You can have real async stack traces in your Node 10 apps
Without re-writing all of your async code
Software developers learn one million things every day.
Then we forget those things the next day while we're learning one million other things.
Sometimes it's nice to slow down for a minute and reflect on a few of those things.
Without re-writing all of your async code
You just have to pretend that Next API routes are Express
When your editor tries to be too helpful
How did I get from a URL to my code?
It's too bad nobody uses semver correctly
You don't need background images for simple shapes
Spice up your offline-first PWA with offline forms!
You don't even need a search index
Spoiler alert: clever image and css hacks ensue.
multiple ways to skin an array
No need to moment-js all the things.
Tight feedback loops make everything more fun.
Don't do all the things. Just do three.
For when you need a secret identity.
But once you figure it out, the possibilities are endless.
Closures are way cooler than objects anyway. least not for Netlify CMS widgets.
But I just learned how to compose HOCs :^(
The pre-rendered static honeymoon is over!
Modules behaving like namespaces.